Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New year, new starts

And so it begins again....another year....I wonder what this year will bring me. Today is the first day of me going off all processed sugars and eating totally vegan...even though I have been pretty much fully vegan for a bit now....I just have to make sure I am fully aware of it all the time with eating out in restaurants, as that is where it can get tricky.
I have been told that days 3-7 are the hardest when eliminating sugar and processed foods...ohhhhh boy.
I find that as long as I pre plan my meals and make sure good snacks are always available it will be all good. I picked up some nice soft mats and I hope to learn some yoga this year as well.
This will also be the year to find a new home...not sure where, not sure when...but I do know it's going to be an adventure that's for sure.
This year my baby girl graduates!!!! Ohhhhhhh I can hardly wait for the dress shopping and all the things that go with the excitement of grad.
My sister turns 50, my Dad turns 80, my oldest brother turns 55, and my sister and her hubby will celebrate 25 yrs of marriage, I will celebrate year 5 of mine.
So much to look forward to, so much unknown....oh well...let it all begin..HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL!!!

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