This little place is located just down the hill from where we live. I have lived here now going on 4 years have never eaten here. Why you may ask? Well, really never thought about it or considered it, as it's part of the local convenience store, I really only stop there if we are really really desperate for gas. Since we are only located approx 21 km from the bigger town we do all our shopping there. Well...last night I spent the night in our burnt was WONDERFUL...wonderful to replenish my soul with the country. I took my dog and packed at 4am as I couldn't sleep, and I knew I would only be bugging my husband with all the tossing and turning. I think the dog thought I was nuts, but hey, she was up for it.
So we got to the farm and I slept on a blow up mattress and dog in the corner of the empty house. It was GREAT. Got up and started tinkering in the yard and it felt soooooooooooo nice.
Well I was very very lucky to have my daughter's boyfriend live just up the mountain road from us, and they saw my car there, and they brought me breakfast! Yes, I am totally spoiled by my wonderful daughter and her boyfriend. So after a short break it was back at it again.
I worked for another 4 or so hours and then had a little nap. After the nap I got up and had a little visit up the road with my displaced pot belly pig and then decided to head down the hill to store. I thought I'd grab a supper of champions (bag of chips and chip dip). But instead I asked if the little food place was open for business. You guessed it, they said yes. I had a deluxe cheese burger and fries. For a dingy little convenience store located in the middle of no where, it wasn't bad. I had the most wonderful QUIET time to myself at the farm and then this treat too! Long ago I used to go out for dinner by myself a lot. I LOVED it. People would look at me weird sometimes but I never gave a rats ass! Who cares if I eat alone....get over fact....if you never have, then you should. I love that quiet time by myself but yet still in's hard to explain, but it's great. I used to do that at Timmies in the city a lot too. I often will get a Saturday morning Timmy time to my self here too.
Anyways, this little afternoon get a way to place I had never thought twice about was a good quiet spot to eat. It was nice to have the place to my self too! Will I go back? Sure....for some quiet time again!!!!
This crazy little place even has it's own web page's the link:
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