All laced up and ready to head out.
Me taking my starting time to that I have a new stop watch...very excited I only had to spend a whole $9 bucks on it too!!! Don't need anything fancy, just something with a stop watch and the time really.
This is my "gym".
Brown spots are the Canadian geese bird poop bombs I am forced to wog around...sheesh, like can't they poop somewhere else..and it's freakin winter...why are they still here!!!!!!!
So happy I am done for the is a freakin mess, but who cares...I am done and ready to hit the shower!
Oh yeah, I forgot these girls...I pass them every morning while wogging, and in my head, I have deemed them to be my personal wogging supporters....I know if they could talk they would be saying..."you go girl" LOL....oh come on....let me dream okay LOL.
Oh ending time too....sheesh..forgot about that lol.
This is the scene this morning.....this is what I wogged in was a pretty brutal sand on the roads yet....super icy....I had to be pretty careful....but none the less, I got it done, and it was very pretty to wog in.
Now if I could only get the music fairy to come and put new music weekly on my MP3 player so I have a new fresh playlist every week LOL.
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